Friday, 11 February 2011

Found Friday

When Steve Friendship was dragged reluctantly away on a family holiday in the Norfolk Broads, the tedium was briefly enlivened when he discovered the local villages selling these incredibly drab and awful postcards, which perfectly fitted his view of the place. The fact that they are described as 'Interesting Scenes Around...' makes them all the more amusing.

It's hard to believe that Steve could buy, and then post to me, postcards like this - black-and-white and gobsmackingly grim - in 1997. Judging by the cars and the fashions, I doubt they had been printed any later than the late 70s/early 80s, and even then there would have been no excuse not to porint them in colour and make some sort of effort.
Steve was so entertained by them that he now has a growing collection of Boring Postcards from all over the place, but I don't think any out-Norfolked Norfolk.

Misty figure that walks through walls

A fascinating account of a haunted Government office building in Lincoln is the latest article to be posted under Ghosts on Uncanny UK. It has been contributed by Daniel Codd, author of Mysterious Lincolnshire, who interviewed the witness back in 2006. Since then Dan has received further spooky reports about the building, bringing the article bang up to date. Read the article at

Friday, 4 February 2011

Found Friday

Rummaging about for some old documents, I found this photo of me with my book contracts. It was taken at the Evening Leader offices in Mold, where I then worked, to promote the publication of my first book, Supernatural Clwyd. As you can see the services of the Devil were called on to help with the publicity. This would have been taken just after my 25th birthday. I look almost handsome. That didn't last!

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Weird Wednesday

Two horrible heads by a Russian artist called Tchelitchev. Google him if you want to learn more - I'm off out!

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Monstrous Monday

Yes I know I'm a bit late, but here are stunning images by the Scandinavian artist Richard Svensson of 'The Monster of Thetis Lake' (British Columbia) and the 'Loveland (Ohio) Frogman'. They were two of several illustrations contributed by Richard to Dr Karl Shuker's article on 'Lairs of the Lizard-Men' in the August 2010 edition of Paranormal Magazine, all about reptilian humanoids some believe share our world in a Silurian-like manner.